As many of our readers know by now, we love conducting our own research! That said, we recently created a poll and sent it to over 100k email subscribers from Candy Retailer, all located in the United States. To our surprise, 20,467 Gen-X customers (people aged 45+) responded with their answers on the best candy bars, according to them! In our email, we presented a list of 40 options, and based on their reply, these are, without a doubt, the top 10 best candy bars! So, make no mistake, the people have spoken, and I couldn’t agree more! But then again, I was born in 1980, so I was raised right. Not to mention, my favorite candy bar came in first place, but then again, I kind of knew it would.   

Top 10 Candy Bars According to Gen-X

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Kit Kat
Milky Way
Almond Joy
Hershey Bar
Three Musketeer
Crunch Bar
Tootsie Rolls

1. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

In first place, just as I predicted, are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, racking up an impressive 4,926 votes! Gen-X has clearly spoken, and it’s that unbeatable chocolate-peanut butter combo that’s got us hooked for life! It’s like they took everything good about the ‘70s & ‘80s and stuffed it into that iconic orange wrapper you could spot from a mile away. Be honest, you’ve got a secret stash somewhere—maybe in your desk or car. I know I do, and I’m not telling where! To get your own stash, click below and check out our forever-growing category of Reese’s candy here at Candy Retailer! 

2. Snickers

Coming in second is Snickers, snagging 3,325 votes from our Gen-X crew. This bar’s got it all—peanuts, caramel, nougat, chocolate—and it’s been satisfying us since the days of record players and MTV. It’s the candy you grab when life gets real and you need a quick fix. With that kind of power, it’s no shock that it took the #2 spot. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure if there’s a single person reading this who can’t remember a time when they enjoyed a Snickers, for many of you, I’m sure you won’t have to think back too far! So, if this is your favorite candy bar, click below and bring it home! 

3. Kit Kat

Taking third place is Kit Kat, with 2,244 votes in the bag! That crispy snap when you break it is like a high-five from a younger you! We’ve all hummed that “gimme a break” jingle while snapping off a piece—or four. Now, if you can’t relate to that, then we might not be cut from the same cloth! Besides that, it’s light, chocolatey, and the perfect companion during a movie marathon. Gen-X knows a good thing when it comes around, and Kit Kat’s got that nostalgic crunch most of us crave! I’m not a huge Kit Kat fan, but every now and then, I have to break myself off a piece! So, if you’re like me, or perhaps this is your favorite, either way, we invite you to check out all our Kit Kat flavors and package options here at Candy Retailer; you’ll be surprised by what you may find. 

Kit Kat

4. Milky Way

In fourth place, we’ve got Milky Way, pulling in 1,515 votes. This one’s all about that smooth nougat and caramel wrapped in chocolate like a cozy blanket. It’s the candy bar you’d snag when you wanted something mellow after a long day outside. No nuts, no fuss—just pure satisfaction. Gen-X clearly still loves this iconic candy bar, and I’m right there with ‘em! In fact, this is my second favorite candy bar of all time; however, I’m a fan of the dark chocolate midnight version, which you can find both here at Candy Retailer! Luckily for me, I don’t have to go far to get my hands on my favorite candy, but then again, since we deliver nationwide, neither do you! 

5. Almond Joy

Landing fifth is Almond Joy, with 1,023 votes from our poll. Chocolate, coconut, and almonds, it’s like a tropical vacation just waiting to happen, and Gen-Xers are here for it. Sure, some folks will pass it up, maybe even skip for Mounds, but if you’re anything like me, then you’re a nut; you know the jingle! Remember fighting over these in the Halloween haul? I sure do! In fact, at 45 years young, I still might beat you up for an Almond Joy! This is also my second-best candy bar, tied with Milky Way Midnight; I’m always in the mood, so who wants some?! If you said I do, then click below and scoop up a box here at Candy Retailer and enjoy fast, nationwide shipping from us to you, with love! 

6. M&Ms

Next up in sixth place are M&Ms, grabbing 691 votes! Yeah, they’re not a bar, but who’s gonna argue with those little chocolate gems? They’ve been a go-to since we were kids sorting colors or eating ‘em by the fistful during Saturday cartoons. If you know, you know, so if you’re reading this, you better know! With this in mind, that “melts in your mouth” promise still holds up today! On that note, almost 700 Gen-Xers say yes to M&Ms, and I couldn’t agree more! I personally have a lovejones for all M&Ms candy, especially peanut butter M&Ms; dang, those are good. If you agree, check out all our M&Ms here at Candy Retailer; you’ll be surprised at what you’ll find.

7. Hershey Bar

Coming in seventh is the classic Hershey Bar, with 466 votes. This is the granddaddy of chocolate bars, no bells or whistles—just straight-up, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate! It’s the taste of simpler times! For Gen-X, it’s a throwback to when life was less complicated, and a chocolate bar was all you needed to make the day right, and it still does! Not to mention, it’s the #1 chocolate candy bar you’d use to make a S’mores! However, I’m a fan of Hershey Almonds; it might even be my third favorite candy bar! In fact, for the record, it is! I don’t know about you guys, but with all this candy bar talk, I’m starting to get in the mood, and a Hershey Bar is sounding mighty good right about now! I might need to take a break! 

8. 3 Musketeers

In eighth place, we’ve got 3 Musketeers, earning 315 votes! That fluffy nougat wrapped in chocolate is like a candy cloud we can’t resist. It’s light enough to scarf down without guilt but sweet enough to hit the spot. Back in the day, it felt like a fancy treat—simple yet oh-so-good. Gen-X clearly still digs that airy vibe, and I’ll admit, it’s a sneaky favorite of mine, too! However, it’s been years since I had one, but I still have two kids who Trick-or-Treat, so I can almost say for certain that I’ve had a 3 Musketeer at least once a year, probably somewhere in the first week of November! However, that’s just me; you may love this brand and consider it to be the best, so if that’s you, click the button below and steal the show! 

9. Crunch Bar

Taking ninth place is the Crunch Bar, with 213 votes! Those crispy rice bits in chocolate are like a party every time you take a bite, well, that’s what some would say anyway! According to our poll, Gen-X loves that texture and flavor, and it’s no wonder how it ended up on our top 10 list. I’ve never really been a find of this candy bar, although I don’t dislike it, I’m just not into puffed rice, but that might be your thing, so I’m not knocking it, I’m saluting! Since Nestle sold its US candy division to Ferrera Candy Company in 2018, the formula changed to consist of only real ingredients, so maybe I should give it another try, it’s been years! How about you, when was the last time you had a Crunch Bar? Do they taste the same as back in the day? 

Crunch Bar Box

10. Tootsie Rolls

Rounding out the top ten are Tootsie Rolls, with 157 votes. Okay, it is also not a bar in the classic sense, although there is a Tootsie Bar; nonetheless, these chewy little legends have earned their spot. It’s the candy that says, “I’m still here,” and we respect that. However, I must say, I was really surprised to see this had more votes than other offered candy bars. Perhaps I shouldn’t have included it in our list of candy bar options, but I’m kind of glad I did because I wouldn’t predicted this vote in a million years! But then again, I know why it was picked, it’s Tootsie Roll, who can say no to those? So, if that’s you, then you’ll be impressed to see what we have available here in our candy store! Click below to discover! 

What’s Your Favorite Candy Bar?

Okay, now that you know my top three favorite candy bars, it’s time for you to share yours! Of course, you don’t have to, but we’d love ya even more if you did. Did your favorite make the top 10, I’m sure it did for many of you, but for sure, not all. So, if yours didn’t make the list, then we invite you to sound off in the comments below and let the world know what’s the best candy bar ever made! As mentioned earlier, we presented our subscribers with 40 candy bars to select from. In addition to the 10 listed above, here are the other 30 we listed, yours has to be here somewhere!

  • Twix  
  • Butterfinger  
  • Baby Ruth  
  • Payday  
  • 100 Grand  
  • Rolo  
  • York Peppermint Pattie  
  • Charleston Chew  
  • Bit-O-Honey  
  • Clark Bar  
  • Zero Bar  
  • Chunky  
  • Oh Henry!  
  • Fifth Avenue  
  • Mr. Goodbar  
  • Take 5  
  • Whatchamacallit  
  • Heath Bar  
  • Krackel  
  • Caramello  
  • Sky Bar  
  • Idaho Spud  
  • U-No Bar  
  • Abba-Zaba  
  • Marathon Bar  
  • PowerHouse  
  • Dove Bar
  • Summit Bar  
  • Whatchamacallit 
  • Zagnut

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