If you love taffy, then chances are you love all the flavors that are available! In this article, we’ll focus only on Saltwater Taffy by Taffy Town. This brand makes the most flavors and is the #1 best-selling taffy brand in America and here at Candy Retailer! With over 100 flavors available, we extracted all the ones that were inspired by real American desserts and tried them!

On a personal note, I work in a candy store as a content developer, so as you can imagine, I get my daily share of candy tasting! Saltwater taffy is my favorite, and Taffy Town is definitely my #1 go-to brand whenever my craving for some soft, melt-in-your-mouth taffy strikes! That said, I have personally tasted every Taffy Town flavor and have written other articles on this topic, which you can read here

So, if you’re like me and love unusual saltwater taffy flavors, then I wrote this list below with you in mind. Here, you’ll find the sweetest-tasting list ever published on this topic, guaranteed to make your mouth water, and now it’s your turn to discover all these amazing flavors I bet you didn’t even know existed. Make sure to let me know in the comments below if you’ve tried any of these options and what you thought. I’ll remind you again at the end of this article. See you there! 

Below, I’ll rate each flavor on a scale of 1-10 based on how close it tastes to the real dessert it was created after. Then, it’ll be your turn to decide!  

Apple Pie Taffy

Apple Pie Taffy takes me back to childhood memories of enjoying freshly baked apple pie—not really, but it sounded good. Although this taffy flavor does taste similar to apple pie, it doesn’t come close to the real deal. Overall, I’d give this flavor a 6.2. It was good, but not Mom’s apple pie good. To try this flavor out for yourself, click below and dig in! We’d all love to know what you think, including myself. 

Banana Cream Pie Taffy

If you’re not a fan of banana-flavored inspired candies, then Taffy Town Banana Cream Pie saltwater taffy might not be the flavor for you! However, if you’re like me and you do love this flavor, then you’re really going to appreciate what this brand has created with this one-of-a-kind flavor that almost tastes like real banana cream pie; I’d give it an easy 8.9, but what do you think? To learn more, click the button below and give it a taste! 

Blackberry Crumble Taffy

As much as I really like this flavor, it’s just not blackberry crumble, although I can see how the original dessert has inspired Taffy Town to make this flavor! Unlike most candy flavors that are easily comparable, this is not the one, and chances are, you’ve never tasted anything quite like this! Again, it’s not real blackberry crumble, obviously, but oh, it’s very good; you should definitely try it out if you haven’t already! On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it an easy 9 for sure! 

Blueberry Muffin Taffy

As a fan of blueberry-flavored candy and muffins, I must say that this one missed its mark. That’s just my opinion; you might totally disagree! That said, I appreciate Taffy Town’s attempt; however, this flavor only made me want a real blueberry muffin! Even now, I’m thinking about a hot, fluffy blueberry muffin with melted butter on top, just like how my Mom used to make it. Yum! On that note, I’ll leave it up for you to try! I give this taffy flavor a 3.8 for effort. 

Buttered Popcorn Taffy

Oh, my goodness, where do I begin? This was perhaps one of the weirdest candy-tasting experiences I ever had. In fact, I’m not even sure how to rate this flavor! As for taste, it definitely lives up to its name because this taffy tastes just like real buttered popcorn, which made it strange as I knew it wasn’t. Did I like it? I did not; however, I do love buttered popcorn, especially from a cinema, but this was candy, and the two just don’t mix! I’ll give it a 5. It tasted like the real deal, but it’s just not for me. You might love it, though! 

Candy Bar Taffy

Next up, we have Taffy Town Candy Bar saltwater taffy! Now, here’s a flavor that I like, although I really can’t say it tasted like any particular candy bar brand. Instead, it has its own original flavor that makes you think, ‘Oh, this is a really good candy bar,’ even though you know it’s not; it just doesn’t matter because candy bar taffy should be a thing! On a scale of 1 to 10, I’ll give this flavor an 8, only because the candy bar niche is a tough one to compete in; we already have our favorite, and I know I sure do! Give it a try, and share your thoughts! 

Chocolate Chip Cookie Taffy

Here we go again! This is another awesome-tasting candy that is unique in every sense of the word, even though it tastes just like real chocolate chip cookies; nonetheless, it wasn’t, and in the end, I only wanted a soft, hot, chewy chocolate chip cookie, which I don’t recall getting now that I think about it. Oh, now I want one! Anyway, I really liked this flavor; it was good, and I would eat it again; in fact, I might go do that right now! If you’d like to do the same, click below and order some here at Candy Retailer! This flavor gets an easy nine, one point shy of being a real chocolate chip cookie! 

Cookies and Cream Taffy

Yes! Yes! Yes! Taffy Town Cookies and Cream should be a taffy flavor that every person in the world knows about. As a loyal fan of Haagen-Dazs cookies and cream ice cream, I’d say this flavor almost nailed it, only if it were served cold, like ice cream! With this in mind, now I want ice cream! Sheesh, this is a tough article to write, but hey, it’s all good. I enjoy sharing my experience, and this is one for the books! On a scale of 9 to 10, I give it an easy 9, only if it were ice cream! Click the button to give it a try! 

Frosted Cupcake Taffy

Once more, here is another Taffy Town flavor that I really liked a lot; however, I think they should’ve called it “Cupcake Fristing” because that’s exactly what it tasted like to me! In my opinion, this taffy passes as a candy flavor, and I recommend trying it, especially if you love cupcakes or cupcake frosting, shall I say! As for my rating, I’m going with a solid 7. Yes, it was good, but it could be better! I also thought it was very sweet, but then again, it’s cupcake frosting! So, if you really like frosting, then give this taffy a try; you’ll love it. 

Fruity Cereal Taffy

Taffy Town Fruity Cereal saltwater taffy is another flavor that’ll drive you crazy! As with some other flavors, this one, too, is really yummy and tastes exactly like fruity cereal, not Fruity Pebbles, but similar in its own unique and original way! The weird part is that it tastes like cereal, but it’s not, which creates such a strange experience! This stuff is really good, though, but you have to be strict and know when to say no! I don’t know about you, but I could eat a whole 1lb bag of this taffy; it just needs milk! As for my rating, I give it an 8.5, but what do you think? 

Hot Chocolate Taffy

It’s no secret here in our shop; everyone knows that I have a true lovejones for authentic chocolate candy! So, when it comes to Taffy Town chocolate, it’s just not one of my favorites. Never once did I say, oh, I want some chocolate taffy, even though I know it’s a thing! That said, I must admit, Taffy Town Hot Chocolate is a slam dunk! In terms of flavor, this candy tastes exactly like what the name says! However, I prefer to drink my hot chocolate, not eat it, so it’s really not for me, but you might love it. Taffy Town Taffy is very soft and creamy; it melts in your mouth, so this flavor is a perfect match. 

Peanut Butter and Jelly Taffy

Whoa! Now, I’ve had peanut butter and jelly-inspired candy before, but nothing quite like this! Not only does it taste like the name suggests, but it’s also yummy! This Taffy Town flavor is so authentic-tasting that I bet you could spread it on bread, and nobody would know! Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little bit there, but it sure does taste like peanut butter and jelly, minus the bread. If you have kids, you’ll definitely want to control how much they get because I could easily smash a whole 1lb bag of this candy on my own; just imagine what a kid could do! Overall, Taffy Town did a good job creating this flavor; I give it an 8.2 easily. 

Rootbeer Float Taffy

Unfortunately, Taffy Town Rootbeer Float wasn’t a big hit for me! It wasn’t bad, but it also didn’t taste like a rootbeer float. However, it does have a familiar rootbeer flavor, and Taffy Town is soft, creamy taffy, so I totally see where this company was going when they made this flavor! Other than that, it was ok, but something I’d go out of my way to try again. This is only my opinion, though; you may totally disagree, especially if you love rootbeer-flavored candy! To know for sure, scoop up a bag here at Candy Retailer and share your opinions and recommendations in the comment section below! On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 4.5, just because it wasn’t yuk! 

Red Velvet Cake Taffy

Oh, boy, where do I even begin? First, I think this was a great idea. I would’ve also tried to make it if I were the taffy creator at Taffy Town. However, I can think of a million other types of candy flavors that I like better, so I probably won’t try this one again. On that note, I think it’s only fair to mention that I don’t like red velvet cake, so I’m probably the wrong guy to ask about this particular candy flavor! So, if you love red velvet cake, then you’re the one we want to hear from! If you’ve already tried it, please let us know below. If not, give it a try, and I personally would love to know your opinion. As for a score based on flavor and the fact that I don’t like this flavor, I give it a 2.3 out of 10, but what do you think? 

S’mores Taffy

Okay, now, I’ve tried many S’more-inspired candies before, and I’ve never liked them, but then again, I love real S’mores, so it’s hard to feed me something that is supposed to taste like something that I really love, even though it’s really not what I love! Knowing that, I still gave this flavor a try, and to my surprise, wow, Taffy Town nailed it. I mean, you can taste the chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers; it’s so weird but delicious! To be honest, this is the first and only S’more candy that I like. My first thought was to put my taffy on a stick and stick it in the fire, but it was just a thought; you should try it, though! I give it an easy 8 out of 10 score! 

Spumoni Taffy

Now, this is a difficult flavor for me to judge as I’ve never had real Spumoni, which, to my knowledge, is an Italian dessert made with gelato, cream, and other ingredients such as candy fruits, nuts, and chocolate. However, when most people hear the name Spumoni, they think of ice cream, which is also inspired by the same dessert. In my opinion, it was good; it reminded me of Neapolitan ice cream without vanilla, and it was warm. I would definitely eat it again, and I also recommend it. As for a rating, I give it a solid 7, nothing less!


Strawberry Cheesecake Taffy

When it comes to anything cheesecake, I take it seriously! In fact, this is my second favorite type of cake, so if it’s a flop, oh, I’m going to let be know! So, in the case of Taffy Town Strawberry Cheesecake Taffy, it’s a winner! All I could say was, how the heck did they create a taffy flavor that tastes just like cheesecake? Obviously, the texture was off a little, but when it came to the taste factor, whoa, this flavor is on point and on the money! I really liked it a lot and even took some home for my kids to try; needless to say, they left me high and dry! Good thing I work in a candy store! As for a score, I give it a 9, but I like real cheesecake better! 

Sugar Cookie Taffy

Just like real sugar cookies, this taffy flavor by Taffy Town was too sweet for me! That said, I thought it tasted very similar to sugar cookies, which I actually like, but not too much at once; maybe just one or two is good for me, and I think the same about this sugar cookie saltwater taffy! For those who really have a sweet tooth, and love sugar cookies, then this is the one for you! As for flavor, it tastes exactly like it says, and for texture, it’s soft and creamy, so it’s a little conflicting because sugar cookies are generally crunchy. To give it a score, I’ll go with a 5.8, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either, but as always, you may totally disagree! 

Banana Split Taffy

Again, I really don’t like banana-flavored candies, even though I really liked Taffy Town’s Banana Cream Pie Taffy; however, its banana split is a no-go for me! I tried it and didn’t like it very much, nor does it taste like a real banana split. Based on my experience, all I could taste was bananas, but no vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry flavors could be detected. So, for an honest score based on my experience and review, I give this candy flavor a 1.8, but the next time I feel in the mood for a banana split, I’m going to Dairy Queen! 

Carrot Cake Taffy

Now, this is a hard flavor to copy, even for those making real carrot cake; nonetheless, Taffy Town somehow found a way to pull it off and get the job done! Indeed, this carrot cake-flavored taffy tastes exactly like the real thing, just with a different texture! Unlike Red Velvet, I actually love this flavor, so when it comes to judgment day, I have to score this flavor at an even 8. It was good, not the best flavor in the world, but I’d eat it again! So, if you like carrot cake, then chances are you’ll like this candy! To know for sure, click below and give it a try! 

Chicken And Waffles Taffy

Whoever thought chicken and waffle-flavored taffy was a good idea has to be a stoner! Now, I’m not saying that in a bad way; I’m just saying that this is one of those flavors you have to be high to think of and come up with. Unfortunately, I only like chicken and waffles from Waffle House, and this flavored taffy just isn’t for me. In my opinion, it tasted more like syrup, so if you love Mrs. Butterworth’s, then this candy might be the one for you! As for my review and score, I’ll give it a 4 for effort, but I’ll let you be the judge! 

German Chocolate Cake Taffy

I already told you that my second favorite cake is cheesecake, but now you know my all-time favorite! Therefore, regarding Taffy Town German Chocolate Cake Taffy, I think my opinion is on the money! As for flavor, it was good, but it wasn’t like real German chocolate cake, which is okay. I didn’t expect it to be, so I wasn’t really that disappointed. However, I must say, this candy was unique-tasting, original, and one-of-a-kind, as I never had anything similar. Would I try it again? Yes, absolutely, I already have. As for a score, I give it a 7.5; what will give it? 

Glazed Doughnut Taffy

First and foremost, I’m an American, so I love donuts! Yes, I know, not all Americans love donuts, but this one sure does! So, when it came to tasting Taffy Town’s Glazed Doughnut Taffy, I couldn’t say no, nor did I have big expectations. However, to my surprise, they nailed it. I’m not sure how Taffy Town pulled it off, but they somehow found a way to turn taffy into donuts! The texture will throw you off a little bit, but this taffy is so good it won’t even matter! Now, don’t get me wrong, this taffy is good, maybe even better with a glass of milk, but it doesn’t replace a real glazed donut, not even close! That said, I gave this flavor an 8. It was good, but I’ve had better! 

About Taffy Town Saltwater Taffy

Taffy Town, originally known as the Glade Candy Company, was founded in 1916 by James Glade in Utah. Initially a full-line candy manufacturer producing a variety of sweets, including hard candies and chocolates, the company eventually focused exclusively on taffy in the 1990s under the leadership of David Glade, James’s grandson. This shift marked the beginning of Taffy Town as a dedicated saltwater taffy producer​.

One of the key factors that sets Taffy Town apart is its unique production process. Unlike traditional taffy, which is typically pulled, Taffy Town uses a whipping process that involves whipping a meringue into the taffy mixture. This method creates a fluffier, softer texture that distinguishes their taffy from others. Adding evaporated milk also gives their taffy a creamy, rich flavor. This process, combined with their commitment to using high-quality ingredients, ensures a superior product​​.

As you just learned in this article, Taffy Town offers over 100 flavors, ranging from original to unique. The company continuously develops new flavors based on customer feedback and market trends, ensuring that there is always something new and exciting for taffy lovers to enjoy. Unlike many candy brands, we love Taffy Town because they’re in tune with the public and always reach out for feedback, and we respect that. 

In addition to its unique production process and wide flavor selection, Taffy Town is also committed to maintaining high standards of food safety and quality. Their taffy is Kosher-certified and free from tree nuts, peanuts, and gluten, making it a safe choice for people with certain dietary restrictions. Taffy Town’s dedication to quality and innovation has made it one of the most popular and respected taffy brands in the United States​.

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